
Natural Treatment for Anxiety

Why Your Brain’s Life-Saving Stress Response Is Now Toxic

Your brain is constantly scanning its environment for signs of danger, ready to activate bodily processes and reflexes to keep you safe from anything it perceives as a threat. When danger is detected, all animals, from mice to humans, respond physically with an almost instantaneous sequence of hormonal and [...]

Why Your Brain’s Life-Saving Stress Response Is Now Toxic2024-01-18T06:58:15+00:00

The Powerful Health Benefits of Social Interactions

Humans are social animals who need contact with other humans. Much of our development and happiness depends on interactions with other people. Your brain needs it. It's how it learns what it means to be human. In fact, the strongest predictor of a species’ brain size is the size [...]

The Powerful Health Benefits of Social Interactions2023-12-04T17:28:16+00:00

10 Reasons It’s Important Mental Health Be Taught in School

Our kids are not OK. The U.S. surgeon general called the mental health epidemic our youth are facing an "urgent public health crisis." The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Psychological Association have sounded the alarm declaring adolescent mental health a national emergency. As of 2021, according to [...]

10 Reasons It’s Important Mental Health Be Taught in School2023-11-28T17:17:59+00:00

Here’s One Proven Way to Heal the Damage of Childhood Trauma

You may think of trauma as being caused by some major, tragic life event, like experiencing or witnessing war, abuse, or crime. And, yes, those things are definitely traumatizing. Unfortunately, many common life experiences can also be traumatic. The truth is that trauma can result from anything that makes [...]

Here’s One Proven Way to Heal the Damage of Childhood Trauma2024-01-26T17:07:33+00:00

Is Anxiety Really a Chemical Imbalance In the Brain?

Information from the Anxiety & Depression Association of America tells us that anxiety affects 40 million adults in the United States every year. Between 2007 and 2012, anxiety disorders in children and teens increased 20 percent globally and affected 31.9 percent of adolescents between 13 and 18 years in [...]

Is Anxiety Really a Chemical Imbalance In the Brain?2023-12-07T14:35:13+00:00

Here’s What Anxiety Looks Like in Your Brain and How You Can Calm It

Your brain’s top priority is always keeping you safe and alive — not happy and calm. For this reason, your brain is wired to be fearful and reactive. To avoid harm and pain is its natural instinct. To accomplish this, your subconscious brain is always scanning your environment for [...]

Here’s What Anxiety Looks Like in Your Brain and How You Can Calm It2023-07-31T13:54:40+00:00

Where Does Trauma Live in the Body?

Experiencing traumatic situations leads to feelings of hopelessness and shock. When stressed and anxious, this triggers the fight, flight, or freeze responses. However, those lingering sensations become trapped as trauma sensations when the body cannot complete these responses and the brain maintains its high level of alertness. Similarly, when [...]

Where Does Trauma Live in the Body?2023-04-27T14:00:31+00:00

Ask Her What She Carries

*This piece comes from eatpraypost.com. It’s powerful, and we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. So, we’re sharing it with you all!* There’s something about her. She’s beautiful. She walks around with confidence, and through her laughter and her attitude, it appears as though she is a happy woman. [...]

Ask Her What She Carries2022-09-30T12:25:39+00:00

What is Neurofeedback & How Does it Work?

Facing tough times can have serious implications on our mental health. We go through change, disappointments, traumatic events, and loss, which affects our ability to build relationships, cope, deal with stress, focus better on ourselves and recover from hardships. Anyone is likely to suffer from mental health problems at [...]

What is Neurofeedback & How Does it Work?2023-01-10T14:19:37+00:00

Neurofeedback for Anxiety and Depression

Depression and anxiety disorders are the most common mental health illnesses in the United States. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 40 million people in the United States are currently living with anxiety disorder. If it’s not treated on time, it can change and shrink the part of your [...]

Neurofeedback for Anxiety and Depression2023-01-10T13:59:25+00:00
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